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Comedy Fight Club

Dec 9, 2020

CFC 109 - Ilya Laksin vs Jake Vevera 
Nick Carra vs Cher Landman
Nesil Izil vs Anna Bianco
Joey Rosenberg vs John Ajodah
Claire Alexander vs Judy Ortiz
Ilya Laksin vs Jake Vevera
OFFICIALS: Mark Henely, Niko Pav, Justin Lanza
JUDGES: Rob Mailloux, Danny Polishchuk, Christine Meehan-Berg
HOST: Matt Maran
This episode was recorded on November 22nd. This show is usually recorded LIVE at The Stand Comedy Club in NYC. Not in the NYC area? You can still watch Comedy Fight Club on youtube and follow us on Instagram and Twitter @comedyfightnyc
If you want access to old episodes and bonus content subscribe to our Patreon page!
Follow this week's battlers on Social Media: Nick Carra: @nicky10000z, Cher Landman: @cherthecomedian, Nesil Izil: @izilium, Anna Bianco: @annacainbianco, John Anoda: @johnajodah, Claire Alexander: @clairebearpears, Ilya Laksin: @ilyalaksin, Jake Vevera: @jakevevera, Rob Mailloux: @roblovesarguing, Danny Polishchuk: @dannyjokes, Christine Meehan-Berg: @funnyxtine, @Mark Henely: @MarkHenely, Maran: @RealMattMaran, Nikola Pavlovic: @IronicPunHere, Justin Lanza: @lanzabeforetime