Jun 28, 2024
Beau Wilcox vs Andrew Muller
Steve Pocaro vs Hilla Felice
Jay Servedio vs Mike Munari
Shawn Kinnear vs Jack Norris
Amanda Vasco vs Abe Shapiro
JUDGES: Fluke Human, Erik Marino, Geo Perez, Isaac Knox, Robbie Goodwin
OFFICIALS: Mark Henely, Patrick Haggerty, Warren Simpson, Amanda Vasco, Gabby Jordan Brown
DJ: Dane Rothenberg
HOST: Matt Maran
Comedy Fight Club is brought to you by Dream Treats. Send a DM to @DreamTreatsNYC on Instagram and mention Comedy Fight Club for 20% off any order
Comedy Fight Club is recorded LIVE every Sunday in NYC. Not in the NYC area? You can still watch Comedy Fight Club on youtube and follow us on Instagram and Twitter @comedyfightnyc If you want access to old episodes and bonus content subscribe to our Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/comedyfightclub