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Comedy Fight Club

Sep 7, 2020


Devon Hall vs Brendan Puff

Raphael Hernandez vs Jesse Montanez

Deanna Kobe vs Dave Namery

Scott Holt vs Tim Lowe


Dan Pulzello vs Sandip Sen

OFFICALS: Justin Lanza, Mark Henely and Niko Pav

JUDGES: Andy Malafarina, Scott Chaplain, Linette Paladino

HOST: Matt Maran

This episode was recorded on Saturday August 29th. This show was recorded at V-Spot on St. Marks, however it is typically recorded LIVE at The Stand Comedy Club in NYC, go watch live every Sunday at 9PM! Get $5 tickets at The Stand when you use promo code CFC. Not in the NYC area? You can still watch Comedy Fight Club LIVE every Wednesday at 10:30pm online for FREE ONLY on Once you're there, become a member and gain access to our entire archive of episodes! Use promo code CFC and save 15% at sign up!  

Follow this week's comics on Social Media: Brendan Puff: @therealbrendanpuffer, Devon Hall: @devonhallcomedy, Raphael Hernandez: @phatinthehat, Jesse Montanez: @jessemcomic, Deanna Kobe: @pandorasmouth, Dave namery: @dnamery, Scott Holt: @ballsyholt, Tim Lowe: @thetimlowe, Dan Pulzello: @danpulzello, Sandip Sen: @sandeepsencomic, Matt Maran: @RealMattMaran, Justin Lanza: @lanzabeforetime, Niko Pav: @IronicPunHere, Andrew Casertano: @AndrewCasertano